Don't cats groom themselves?

Grooming Redefined

Most cat’s lick themselves and people just think this means they are clean. What people don’t see is the dirt, oil and excess trapped fur on some cats. As certified cat groomers trained by the world’s premier Cat Grooming School, we know cleaning the skin and fur during a bath, blow dry and comb out are the only way to get a cat truly clean. Second, another important part of a groom cats can’t do themselves is cleaning their ears, eyes and shaving off mats.

If you now see that your cat’s looking a little frumpy, or if you have a cat with a cottony coat like a Persian, Himalayan or other breed, you’ll wonder about your grooming options. We’re here to help you come up with a solution to the problems you are facing with cat grooming.

Are You Frustrated With The Following Cat Grooming Problems?





We can help find the best groom for your kitty. Not sure? We’ll help identify the groom your cat needs.

What Type of Groom Does My Cat NEEEED?

Before you can settle on a proper grooming schedule for your cat, it’s important to understand exactly what needs to be done. During each and every groom we complete the following:

Bath:  All cats shed; even hairless cat’s shed skin cells and get oily. A bath removes the fur that gets trapped in the cat’s coat. A good degreasing shampoo will turn a dull coat into one that shines. Cats who are declining in age greatly benefit from a bath. A bath removes any grease, oil, dirt, litter box debris and flakes and allows the fur to air out and breathe. Many times, when the fur is clumpy and not smooth, it’s a sign your kitty could use a bath.

cat who needs a groom

Blow Dry: A soothing blow dry by a professional who is not nervous and is comfortable with grooming cats will greatly reduce the amount of fur trapped in your cat’s coat. It also allows tangles to be separate (like webbing) where it can be done gently without causing your cat any pain. Any mats that are close to the skin must be shaved. Never attempt to shave or use scissors with your cat. Cats move quickly and if you are not familiar with the tool you are using to trim your cat, or your cat’s anatomy, you can easily cut your cat or get hurt by your kitty trying to escape. Cat’s skin is very thin and delicate. We understand you may want to hire a professional. Give us a call or book a groom by clicking below.

Combing: One of the most important parts of keeping your cat groomed is a regular combing starting from the skin and working your way down the cat’s body. Daily combing, especially for long-haired breeds is critical. Short-haired cats also benefit from combing, especially if they have dense fur or can’t reach certain parts of their body.

cat nail paws offered with cat groom CT

Nail trimming:  While cats do scratch and remove the outer layer of their nail, they are unable to actually cut their nails with nail clippers. We recommend monthly trims to keep the nails from growing too long, catching on furniture and your clothing and preventing the nail from growing into the paw pad. Getting your cat used to the process will make nail trims much less stressful. If you are too nervous to trim your cat’s nails, have them done at a vets office or during the cat groom.

Eyes and Ears:  Cat’s ears are oily and get dirty; their eyes get crusty. Breeds with short noses like Persians, Exotics and Himalayans tend to get tear stains. It’s important to clean their eyes with a soft cotton swab and eye cleaner designed for cats. Wiping debris from their ears will prevent buildup.

If your cat has tangles or tight clumps of fur on his skin we will probably have to shave the fur. Confused about mats? Click here to read our blog about mats.

Click here to see grooming options. Ready to book? Click below.


Help! My Cat Has Mats


Why Does My Cat Get Mats?